Business Model 2.0


30 JANUARY 2021 

8.00pm Start

Every Business Model including yours will continue to evolve. There is no static model.

Hence Business Plans need to follow suit.

What are the current Business Models and how do they impact your Business? 

CEOs, Founders, Leaders join this powerful session to understand & get insights into the different, new and improved business models in the world today.


7.50pm: Doors Open & Welcome

8.00pm: Introduction to Business Plan & Business Models by Nash Idrus

8.15pm: The Variants of Business Models by Jeat S Wong

9.30pm: Shifting Business Landscape by Dr Wong Jeh Shyan

10.00pm: Debrief 

About Nash Idrus 

Nash has always been a high achiever. At a tender age of 12, he was named child prodigy “Tokoh Kanak-Kanak Negeri Sembilan” at Hari Kanak-Kanak Sedunia 1986. He spent 5 years at Royal Military College (RMC) where he instilled the values of its alma matter, “Serve To Lead”.

Nash was one of the top 12 contestants in a famous business Reality-TV based program “Apprentice Asia” hosted by Billionaire Tony Fernandes. He is a sponge of a learner and had worked with and studied under many multimillionaires and billionaires where he applied those strategies to the 3 businesses that he co-founded. One of which won 3-years back-to-back business awards with ActionCoach Business Coaching.

Nash holds a B.Com Degree from the University of Melbourne. He joined KPMG Melbourne and became a Senior Accountant.  Upon qualifying as a “C.A.” from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia (ICAA) he joined PETRONAS Group Internal Audit and subsequently Corporate Finance Group. He later joined ExxonMobil London UK as an Analyst, and had a stint at HSBC Investment Banking Project Finance division in Canary Wharf London. 

Nash is the co-founder and CEO of Precession Capital Berhad, a firm that focuses on the training & development of Entrepreneur skill sets for businesses that choose to grow, from start to IPO.

About Jeat S Wong

Jeat S Wong is the CEO of TalariaX, the developer of sendQuick messaging system. sendQuick is the leader in IT notification in Singapore and the region and has been used by more than 2000 companies worldwide. JS is responsible for the overall operations and business development of the company. 

Talaria X other brands include, Alert Plus, Avera, Entera, Conexa and Scoope.

HQ is in Singapore, and operates globally through their offices in Malaysia and USA

Jeat Shyan has been researching at various business models and how they shape the operation and business strategies of various companies in Asia and US. He has strong interest in the evolution of business models and how the internal and external factors influence the development of such models. He is also refining his own business model construct, making it relevant to the new economic models in the business world today.

About Dr Wong

Dr Wong was the former-CEO of CommerceNet Singapore from 2000-2010. He currently heads the CNSG Consulting Group as the Consulting Partner.

He specializes in corporate restructuring and corporate turn-around, revenue streams development, cashflow management, and mergers & acquisition. His forte includes sophisticated financial modeling and business modelling. 

He is also well known for aggressive M&A techniques and innovative financial engineering.

He advises multiple start-ups and investment groups.

He is the creator of the internationally renowned and ultimate Capital Mechanism Class, Miracles of Capital

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